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Bridal Promotion for Blooming Brides

Special Anniversary Celebration!

19 Years of creating invitations has always been our ultimate passion at Template! We are beyond excited as September approaches, marking our incredible 19th Anniversary. Get ready for a month filled with special treats, amazing surprises, events and unbeatable deals exclusively for our beloved Brides! 🎉

🎉 Exciting news! 🎉 Book your wedding stationery with us today and get the chance to win a fabulous Bath & Body Works VIP Bloom 8pc Gift Set! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! 💍💌🎁

What it does: it will put a smile on your face

Why you’ll love it: because you deserve the biggest bouquet of flowers ever!

What it smells like: strolling through a beautiful, fragrant flower garden

Fragrance notes: lily of the valley, jasmine sambac, garden carnations and fresh cedarwood

You Can Win Your First Wedding Gift - The Perfect Honeymoon Gift for Brides

Dear Brides, consider this fantastic present to elevate your honeymoon and keep your new home smelling delightful. The stylish tote bag included is not only a practical accessory but also adds a lovely pop of colour to your wardrobe.

Exciting Special Offer!

Get ready to elevate your wedding with our amazing deal! Save up to 19% on your stunning wedding suite when you book with us. Let us be your partner in setting the tone for your unforgettable day!

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Don't know what Brightest Bloom smells like? Stop in at Template on Jerome

Ave and give it a whiff.😊

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